After a much too long vacation, I've returned to my Blog...
For those faithful readers who have been diligently checking (but not posting:(...My apologies. It's been a pretty busy spring. My wife and I took a wonderful, and much needed, trip to Puerto Vallarta for a Wedding. Also, with school wrapping up, and my first book chapter due, it's been nutz!!!
Did I mention? I'm writing a textbook for the Microsoft 70-642 Exam. So far it's been pretty challenging. I just got the first chapter in this AM. About 8 hours late due to some issues w/ Microsoft Office 2007. Am I like the only one that doesn't know they removed Auto-Save from Word???? Anyway, I was using auto-recover. Too bad that doesn't help if you just close word w/o saving. You can recover it from the recovery file, but it's a jumble of Hex and characters. Also, if you used change tracking (I did), changes were just all jumbled together.
Speaking of the Book, I have an oppurtunity for a few of you. As I'm writing my book over the next few months (May-Sept/oct), I would like to get feedback on how the book is from a student standpoint. Here's the oppurtunity:
I will provide you a first-draft copy of each chapter when it is ready for delivery. This is a great oppurtunity if you want to get going on Server 2008. In return, I'll ask that you give me feedback on the content. I will provide a feedback form for you. Also, I'm on a time deadline so I would need your feedback in about 7 days to be helpful for me.
You might ask...HEY WHAT DO I GET OUT OF THIS??? Well, karma point for helping me out. A free education (sort of...it does cost you time), and a copy of my book once it is released.
If you are interested, drop me an email at michaelbender1 AT gmail DOT com...
I should ramp up with the blog posting once school is out so check back!