Well, it has been a long time. Writing the "Great American Textbook" has been quite an adventure. Along with Tech-Ed 2008, a trip to DC, and losing my luggage, June was a bit of a bust for me.
Anyway, I wanted to get back in the swing of things with a short post.
Anybody on the CTP for Live Mesh from Microsoft. It's another foray from Microsoft into the cloud computing arena. I've been using foldershare and skydrive for a while, but this is way better. Mesh allows you to create a "desktop in the cloud" where you can store stuff. You can like folders on your local computer to Live Mesh, and it will sync the content. Also, gives you remote access to machines w/ the live mesh client.

Since tech-ed, I've been spending time (probably too much) on twitter and facebook. One of my followers on facebook, tecarmona has this SWEET website called CityDictionary.com. It's a pretty kewl guide to different cities where people post "definitions" of local sites, happenings, and people. I found some pretty interesting definitions for Madison. Someone posted the traffic ring around West Town Mall as "The Circle of Death"...hilarious!

Hopefully, I can get caught up over the next week and get ahead on the book. I've got so much kewl stuff from Tech-Ed that I haven't had a chance to look at yet... I haven't even had a chance to update my phone to Windows Mobile 6.1. I've had the update for about a month. I just don't have a laptop runs a 32-bit OS (required for the install)...
Have a great holiday weekend!