Well, I've been spending a lot of time with my classes, clients, and family so the blog has been lacking. For those needing their tech fix, here is some new stuff I've come across...
Microsoft MyPhone
By invitation only, this service will allow WinMo (Windows Mobile) users to backup phone data and have access to Microsoft Live features that are still in the works. I haven't received my invite yet so I'll keep you posted once I'm "in"...
Live Mesh for Windows Mobile
Depending on your "status", you may be eligible to add your WinMo phone to live mesh and sync docs. This might not sound like a big deal but it's a great way to transfer docs/pics/etc to & from your phone without using the Mobile Device Center sync (Which is a POS in my opinion!). Plus, the data is backedup & available from the cloud. Check it out under add devices in your mesh client.
Windows 7
I'm just beginning to kick the tires. I hope to have a working Win7/w2kOcho R2 setup up in the near future as there is some cool functionality between the two. I like the new taskbar and IE8 preview of open tabs, though I'm still on the fence w/ IE8. It's very buggy and find it crashes often. Windows Explorer in 7 is laid out much better and it's easier to place favorite file locations in WE.
Microsoft has added a new website dedicated to helping IT Professionals further their careers and knowledge. This is a good thing considering the current economic state. Check it out at
Word of Caution: This site is only available in IE so no Safari, Firefox or Chrome...
As for the future, I've got a couple of things in the works:
1) I'm planning to resurrect the "learning Windows" blog posts. My hope is to use them as a basis for an e-book on Windows Networking...
2) Beta Reviews of Windows 7 and W2KOcho R2...
Thanks to everyone whose been keeping watch...