What I'm bring to TechEd 2008?

Besides clothes and my drinking boots, here's my list of gadgetry that I consider an absolute must for Teched 2008:
1) Sprint Motorola 9Qc Smartphone loaded with software for tweety and blogging.
2) Plantronics headset w/ blue tooth adapter so I can use skype for my hotel room.
3) Creative Zen M for tunes and Videos
4) HP TX1000 tablet pc (purchased at last years Tech Ed)
5) Solio solar recharger for electronic devices (Go Green!)
6) Altoid USB charger (uses 2 AA batteries)
7) Darth Vader and Stormtrooper USB Drives
8) Palm Treo 700wx (Doesn't every Geek need two phones??)
9) Nintendo DS w/ Lego Star Wars game
10) (Not Pictured) Canon PowerShot SD750...won at MCT Summit
11) (Not Pictured) Olympus digital recorder for capturing cool sessions and secret conversations

What are you bringing???


Unknown said…
Nice USB drives. Wasn't Yoda available?
Michael Bender said…
Not yet...

But series two has Han Solo, Boba Fett, Luke as an X-Wing pilot, and maybe leia...