It’s a Busy Week

Greetings True Believers,

Wow…it has been a busy week.  Microsoft has announced that certifications are changing.  I have stuff to say about that but check out for a couple of great blog posts on the topic.  Jeff did a great job of distilling the information from Microsoft.

As for me, I’m busy working on the first of a set of 5-6 blogposts that will be published through Born to Learn.  The blog posts will revolve around completing and hopefully passing the exams necessary to become certified as an MCSE: Private Cloud at Microsoft TechEd in Orlando.  So I have approximately 60 days to shore up my Windows Virtualization on Server 2008 R2 knowledge, and pick up System Center 2012.  Should be a fun and interesting ride.  I’ll post the links when they go live as well as keeping a running check-in on my blog as well as Twitter.

Before I forget, BIG THANKS to Veronica at Microsoft Learning for the great opportunity!

Enjoy the weekend!



Anonymous said…
That's an ambitious goal. Where will you find the time? :) How many of the prereqs have you already completed?
Michael Bender said…
With the school year winding down and as a pawn off stuff for #TheKrewe onto others, I should have time here and there:) I will have my MCITP/MCSA: Server Admin completed by the end of April. I'm prepped for the exam, just been postponing taking the exam. Then I just have 246 & 247 to complete at TechEd. I may have to resort to Club Soda w/ Lime in Orlando:)