My Not-Even-Close-To-Epic blogpost on TechEd 2012

Like everyone else, I had a plan to write this really great blog post about TechEd, but what you are going to get is less “fabulous” as it’s all I can get together right now. Since I need to just check this off the list, I’m giving you permission to “choose your own adventure” at this time…

1)      You choose to read a really good blog about Teched

2)      You choose to read another really good blog about Teched

3)      You choose to read a great blog about TechEd

4)      Keep reading this blog about Teched

So here’s the short and sweet of it:

·         TechEd 2012 was one of the best conferences I’ve been to…ever. The content was top notch and I just had an amazing conference. My favorite sessions…

o   How Many Coffees Can You Drink While Windows 7 Boots?How Many Coffees Can You Drink While Windows 7 Boots?How Many Coffees Can You Drink While Windows 7 BootsHow Many coffees Can You Drink While windows 7 Boots?

·         The Krewe Meet N Greet was off the hook. Thanks to everyone who help put the event together, all the volunteers, and everyone who made it out.

·         I met a lot of great people this year whom I hope to continue connecting with in the future.

·          Personal Highlights of the conference:
    1. Presenting on Sunday at TechEd101. It was an honor to get asked and I met a lot of very cool people from the exposure. Thanks!
    2. Being interviewed by TrainSignal about the 60-Day Challenge:

Well…That’s it. If I have time, I’ll revisit and flesh this out, but at two weeks out from the event, I need to cut the cord.

Until next time…

