
Honey...I can't shrink my disk volume!

IE8...Beware of Chrome

It's all about the 7

Windows 7 on the Brain

Drinking the Kool-Aid!!!

Fall already...

64-bit workaround

Some kewl stuff I've been geeking on...

Testing Blogger via Email.....


The Mojito Adventure...

Tech Ed 2008 T-Shirt Options

What I'm bring to TechEd 2008?

The Count is On...

I'm Back...

Xobni Beta

"Workstation 2008"...the Hot Ticket!

What's New...

Reason #1 to keep moving forward...Don't be The Lone Server!

The Road to IT Pro

So you want to work in IT????

More Stuff you need to know...

Tools you need to use

Back in the Emerald City

Friday Morning

Glorious Day

Back from Winter Break